I am the first to admit it. I am a person with way too much time on her hands. Not that I don’t have better things to do. Right now I probably should be doing the laundry, or out buying dog food (we ran out today) or looking for a real job, or even working on that novel I claim to be writing. I have just chosen to spend the morning here, spewing forth to no one in particular.
And I’m not alone.
Out of curiosity I googled the phrase “Writer’s Blog” and got 891,000 hits. Of course even I don’t have the time or inclination to go through nearly a million websites, so I just sampled a dozen or so.
There’s WritersBlog.com, a daily journal with haiku, tanka, photos, insights and illuminations. Strictly speaking, it’s no longer a daily journal. The last entry of haiku, tanka, insights and illuminations was on February 25.
Then there’s Redwritinghood.com which bills itself as “ALL NEW ridiculously improved, fabulously superb RedWritingHood.com is now a blog! We feature a growing list of contributing editors/writers/publishers who will share their insight on the writing craft and life.” This blog is current, but do you really want to hear about the revisions of the blogger’s latest vampire novel?
Barry W. Morris writes once every two or three months. Last entry was May 26, the one before that was March 28. He is working on a book tentatively called Mediation for Writers: How to Enhance Creativity, Improve Your Writing, & Find Enlightenment Through Meditation. I guess he’s busy writing and meditating.
New York Times Best Selling Novelist James Michael Pratt kept a blog for two days. He is the author of The Good Heart and The Lighthouse Keeper.
“I look forward to sharing my thoughts this year and hearing from you. Please feel free to share our writers blog with your friends & family. Check back every Sunday for my latest posting," he wrote on January 2.
He posted a review of the film Finding Neverland on January 7 and never blogged again.
Vikk and Heather, two boomer writers, "explore the galaxies of writing, publishing and beyond." in their blog Blog Trek
On August 27, there was this a discussion of online purchasing:
“Today's technology provides us with more conveniences and options than we ever had before, but sometimes all these choices, or even the absolute need to make choices even when we don't want to do so, becomes overwhelming.”
I never knew it was such a stressful thing having to decide between cable and sattelite. You poor, poor thing.
There’s a website called Authorsblogs.com that will give you access to the insights of more writers (published and aspiring) than you ever thought possible. Here are a few examples:
Johanna Edwards - Award-winning entertainment journalist turned chick lit author dishes on the publishing industry, pop culture, and women's issues.
Elizabeth Mahon - – Blog about the quirky thoughts and madcap adventures of a thirty-something aspiring romance/chick-lit writer and administrative drone
James Sheehan - Literary news, rants, writer angst (can’t get enough of that writer angst!)
Leigh Ellwood - The trials and tribulations of an erotic romance author.
Allison Knight - My thoughts on life, living and loving as I write.
I got a blog. You got a blog. Big F***in’ Deal.
Excuse me. I’d love to stay here and expound upon my writer angst but I have to buy some Kibbles & Bits.
Posted by judy5cents
at 11:49 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 1 September 2005 1:50 PM EDT