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Rantings of a Crazed Soccer Mom
Thursday, 9 June 2005
Throw The Bum Out
I want to get rid of Ken Tomlison.

He's the CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and he hates public radio and television. He feels it's too liberal. He says NPR is commonly known around Washington as "National Palestinian Radio." If he had his way, PBS and NPR would be more like Fox News. "Fair and Balanced" as the slogan, but in reality unfair and unbalanced.

His public statements are along the lines of "Well, everybody knows that NPR has a liberal bias. Just listen."

Apparently, he hasn't looked at CPB's own polls posted on their website, only 22 percent of respondents believed NPR's coverage had a liberal bias vs 31 percent for the major news networks. Nine percent said it had a conservative bias. But the highest percentage, 38 percent, said they believed NPR had no bias at all.

No bias at all. Now that's fair and balanced.

This is another one of those let's-put-a-hardass-conservative-in-charge-and-really-shake-things-up appointments this administration is so fond of. It's my ferverent hope that Tomlinson will be ousted and replaced by someone more moderate. has a petition calling for his removal from his post at CPB. By all means, sign it.

I can live my day to day life without a newspaper, but I can't give up NPR's straightforward, accurate news every day.

Which reminds me, I need to make a pledge to my local public radio station. Stupid system, but it's all we got.

Posted by judy5cents at 10:36 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 1:34 AM EDT
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